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Dear vi­si­tor

Our web­site is cur­rent­ly un­der construc­tion, which is why some content is tem­po­ra­ri­ly una­vai­lable. We apo­lo­gise for this in­con­ve­nience and look for­ward to wel­co­ming you back to our site as soon as pos­sible.

If you have any ques­tions, please contact us at or +41 (0) 32 913 35 33.

Friend­ly gree­tings

Swiss Ins­ti­tute of Spe­leo­lo­gy and Kars­to­lo­gy.

Swiss Institute of Speleology and Karstology

The SISKA is a non-pro­fit foun­da­tion. Our ins­ti­tute has skills that are re­co­gni­sed both in Swit­zer­land and in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly. With 23 years of ex­pe­rience, we have unique ex­per­tise in a num­ber of fields, in par­ti­cu­lar wa­ter re­sources, karst-re­la­ted ha­zards in ci­vil en­gi­nee­ring, un­der­ground cli­mate and geo­ther­mal ener­gy in li­mes­tone en­vi­ron­ments.

The SISKA is an es­sen­tial link in the land­scape of Swiss ins­ti­tu­tions, at the in­ter­face of the aca­de­mic and prac­ti­cal worlds, en­abling the de­ve­lop­ment, cen­tra­li­sa­tion and sha­ring of scien­ti­fic know­ledge of the karst en­vi­ron­ment. Our team works to put the re­sults of fun­da­men­tal re­search in­to prac­tice and to raise pu­blic and school awa­re­ness of is­sues re­la­ting to the sub­soil.

Have you discovered any bones?

Our pa­laeon­to­lo­gy plat­form is at your dis­po­sal. This is a ser­vice of­fe­red by the SISKA for spe­leo­lo­gists and spe­cia­list ser­vices in the can­tons. Its pur­pose is to pro­vide mu­tual in­for­ma­tion bet­ween those in­vol­ved in bone finds and those res­pon­sible for pro­tec­ting geo­topes, re­sear­chers and cu­ra­tors of pa­laeon­to­lo­gi­cal col­lec­tions.

Down­load the ins­truc­tions for the cor­rect re­mo­val of bone re­mains (PFD):

Scientific articles